About m

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So far m has created 237 blog entries.

Care4Care conference – watch the video recording!


Together with LEFÖ-IBF, IG24 organised the conference ‘Care4Care: From precarious to safe working conditions in personal care in Austria’. Numerous participants and experts discussed current working conditions in personal care, the legal framework and the employment model on site and online.

We would like to thank LEFÖ-IBF, our sponsors and all participants and contributors for the […]

Projekt Care4Care: Policy Paper


This policy paper was written as a part of the Care4Care project. It focuses on the results of the expert analysis of regular employment of carers in Austria as an alternative model to self-employment.

IG24 proudly presents: Newsletter#4


Dear colleagues, friends,
solidary people!

In our current newsletter, we would like to give you an overview of our ongoing activities in the last six months.

1. Care reform

While the care allowance for care families was increased from 550 € to 800 € per month, no structural […]

IG24 proudly presents: Newsletter#3


Dear colleagues, friends and people in solidarity!

In the first newsletter of 2023 we want to give you an overview of our activities in the last six months and tell you about our plans for the coming months.

News from our ongoing projects

Our work, our rights!

The project “ […]

Dangerous transports, care reform, bogus self-employment: IG24 in the Ö1 Health Magazine



On 14.12.2022, IG24 was invited for an interview on the programme Radiodoktor, the health magazine of Ö1.  The topics of dangerous transports, problems with the quality certification of placement agencies in the context of the care reform and bogus self-employment were discussed.

The ORF has kindly made a recording of the programme permanently […]

“Dignified work- dignified care”


International Conference on Domestic Workers in Spain

IG24 had the opportunity to participate in the conference on domestic workers in Errenteria (Spain) and to report on the situation of 24h care workers. The aim of the conference was to gain insights into the situation of workers working in private households in Spain, Italy and Austria and […]

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