Care4Care study: The employment of personal carers under the Home Care Act2025-02-20T09:09:06+01:0020-02-2025|
Promising Practices for the Employment of Live-In Care Workers in Europe2025-02-20T17:34:09+01:0010-02-2025|
Why quality certification has little to do with quality, but all the more to do with the power and profit interests of placement agencies and WKO functionaries.2023-04-04T08:26:34+02:0008-02-2023|
Self-employment of home care workers in Germany and Austria – Good solution or just another exploitation model?2023-04-04T08:30:34+02:0016-01-2023|
Dangerous transports, care reform, bogus self-employment: IG24 in the Ö1 Health Magazine2023-04-04T08:38:02+02:0015-12-2022|
Care4Care study: The employment of personal carers under the Home Care Act2025-02-20T09:09:06+01:0020-02-2025|
Promising Practices for the Employment of Live-In Care Workers in Europe2025-02-20T17:34:09+01:0010-02-2025|
Why quality certification has little to do with quality, but all the more to do with the power and profit interests of placement agencies and WKO functionaries.2023-04-04T08:26:34+02:0008-02-2023|
Self-employment of home care workers in Germany and Austria – Good solution or just another exploitation model?2023-04-04T08:30:34+02:0016-01-2023|
Dangerous transports, care reform, bogus self-employment: IG24 in the Ö1 Health Magazine2023-04-04T08:38:02+02:0015-12-2022|