About m

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So far m has created 237 blog entries.

Interview with Christian Leitner, Curafair project manager


IG24: Curafair has been providing counselling for 24-hour caregivers since summer 2019 and is thus the only independent and free contact point in Austria.

Can you say something about the concept and the experiences in counselling work?

As Volkshilfe Flüchtlings- und MigrantInnenbetreuung (in Upper Austria), we have been active in counselling and supporting migrants for 30 years. […]

IG24 won the SozialMarie Audience Award!


Thank you for voting and sharing!

With our project “Industrial Dispute and Nursing” we received 1,438 votes in online voting.

That’s great!!! Thank you very much!!!


They have decided! The SozialMarie Audience Award goes to LABOR AND CARE from Austria!
Congratulations to the self-organized group of migrant 24-hour caregivers!
The project collected 1,438 votes in the large online voting […]

Yay, our website is online!


Countless hours of work went into the website, as some of the content was extremely extensive. Again and again the texts were changed, structures were discarded... Martina helped us to structure and edit the texts and was committed to the project far beyond her function as web designer/web producer . She continues to look after the website for us. - We thank you, Martina, for your great work, your patience and generosity!



Review of the flash mob on 15.10.2020 in Graz

When: 15.10.2020, 16:00-18:00

Where: Graz, Hauptplatz (in front of the city hall)

In order to make the diverse activities of carers and caregivers visible and audible, the free radio Helsinki organised the Care Dance Flashmob and IG-24 was there!

Information stand & discussion with us about 24-hour care.

You […]

Review of the demonstration: APPLAUSE IS NOT ENOUGH!


Reduction of working hours – higher wages – more staff

“24 hours SOLIDARITY!”

Out of sight, out of mind: 24-hour carers are invisible in Austria. We are with our clients 24/7. That’s why you don’t see us. Not in the supermarket, not at the neighbour’s, not on the street.

On the afternoon of 3 October 2020, we marched […]

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