Making the invisible visible

Data collection on 24-hour carers

Empirical data on the working reality of the approximately 60,000 24-hour carers working in Austria is currently lacking, which leads to a variety of problems. The narratives and publicly available information about this sector are mainly created by placement agencies, care families or interest groups (such as the WKÖ). The 24h-caregivers themselves mostly remain unheard.

This is exactly where our project comes in: Using a digital survey tool, a comprehensive picture of their experiences, working conditions and difficulties is collected directly from the caregivers. Beyond the online data collection, the project also serves to encourage the 24-hour carers to reflect on their work situation and to actively shape the narratives about their sector. The project thus also promotes empowerment and self-determination for the 24h-care community and thus supports the broader self-organisation of 24h-care workers.

Time frame: 04/2023 – 12/2024

Project coordination:

Forschungs- und Beratungsstelle Arbeitswelt (FORBA)


Institut für Soziologie der Universität Wien
CuraFAIR | Volkshilfe – Anlaufstelle für 24-Stunden-Betreuer:innen
Funded by
Digitalisierungsfonds der Arbeiterkammer Wien