After the survey of the status quo in nursing and care work in Care Support Point 1.0, the focus in Care Support Point 2.0 in 2020, in the “Year of Carers” proclaimed by the WHO, was on the diverse activities of carers. Even before the Covid 19 pandemic, the WHO spoke “of the enormous social importance of these professions”. The crisis underlines the necessary transformation shift in the recognition of care work in our society.

Pflegestützpunkt 3.0 once again opens up the necessary discourse spaces with numerous events in diverse settings to reach as diverse a group of people as possible. Regular radio broadcasts, panel discussions, care dance flash mobs, care regulars’ tables, theatre workshops for care trainees as well as events in public spaces take place. Due to the pandemic, care work has become more visible, but has not yet received the appreciation that is so often articulated and so necessary. On the contrary, since the outbreak of the pandemic, care workers have been increasingly exposed to hostility and aggression. The Care Support Point continues to promote exchange of experience and discourse.

IG24 as a cooperation partner brings the topic of 24-hour care back into the discourse on Helsinki’s radio waves with Karin Schuster (project coordinator Pflegestützpunkt 3.0, broadcaster and nurse). On 12 May, from 19:00 to 07:00 (in the morning), “Nochtschicht” will take place: a 12-hour special broadcast for International Care Day. IG24 networks with other cooperation partners within the framework of the project and shares the invitations to various events in the caregiver communities in order to initiate networking with other care professions.