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So far m has created 237 blog entries.

IG24 proudly presents: newsletter#2


Dear colleagues, friends,
people in solidarity!

Almost in time for the beginning of autumn, we want to give you an overview of our activities in the last six months and tell you about our plans for the coming months.

1 Our Work, Our Rights!

The project “Our Work, Our Rights!”, which is financed by the Digifonds […]

IT’S ENOUGH! – Our basic needs must be secure! – Sign petition


Sign the petition against inflation now!

Our basic needs must be secure: Heating or showering must not be a luxury, a warm flat, a full fridge, affordable care and a secure income are our right.

Therefore we demand:

– Guarantee basic energy needs!
– Good food must be affordable!
– Ensure affordable housing!
– Increase wages, pensions and […]

Why caregivers want to organise and go to court


The feminist-development organisation Frauen*solidarität published an article by our colleague Simona Ďurišová in their magazine, which is dedicated to the work situation of caregivers and briefly reports on the activities of our association.

The first Corona wave presented our society with various challenges and problems. But it was also a time when IG24 […]

Book presentation Glass Borders, Peter Birke: 9 June, 18:00 echoraum, Sechshauser Strasse 66, 1150 Wien


We are very happy that together with Johanna Neuhauser, sociologist of migration, we can take part in Peter Birke’s book presentation Glass Borders!

Peter Birke monitored the online trade and meat industry in his study from 2017 to mid-2021. In some companies in these 2 industries, such as Amazon or Sanish Crown, almost none of […]

Amnesty International’s petition for fair working conditions in 24-hour care is only open until mid-June! Sign now!


Amnesty International is campaigning to improve the working conditions of 24-hour caregivers with the “24 Hours Essential” campaign. Use the remaining time to support this important campaign! It is the first major campaign ever organised for this disadvantaged professional group in the history of 24h care!

Learn more about the background of this campaign in this […]

24-hour care in Switzerland: Placement agencies must comply with the Working Hours Act!


The Swiss trade union VPOD (Verband des Personals öffentlicher Dienste – Association of Public Service Employees) is campaigning to improve the working conditions of 24-hour caregivers and has won the court case against a private employment agency from Basel.
In Switzerland, caregivers are employed either by the family or by a placement agency. In most cases, […]

Interview Kleine Zeitung 20.3.2022: “Cultivating appreciation”


24-hour care makes it possible to live in one’s own four walls even in old age. However, caregivers have to deal with various problems, such as old-age poverty.
The IG24 association campaigns for the right of 24-hour caregivers. A representative of the association, Simona Durisova, talks about how the current situation can be improved.

Download the interview […]

IG 24 proudly presents: newsletter#1


Dear colleagues, friends and people in solidarity!

Now the time has come, our first newsletter is here!  ;)

We want to give you an overview of our activities so far, but above all we want to present our plans for the coming year.

The first year: nightmarish working conditions…

IG24 has been active for two years […]

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