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So far m has created 181 blog entries.

Focus Conference: Care & the World of Work


Focus Conference: Care & the World of Work The focus conference on the topic of care & the world of work organised by Zukunftswerkstatt Gesundheitspolitik also opened a discussion on the topic of 24h care. IG24 addressed several problems here: The power asymmetry within the triangular relationship of caregiver - cared-for person - agency, bogus [...]

Book presentation Glass Borders, Peter Birke: 9 June, 18:00 echoraum, Sechshauser Strasse 66, 1150 Wien


https://ig24.at/buchpraesentation-grenzen-aus-glas-peter-birke-9-6-1800-echoraum-sechshauser-strasse-66-1150-wien/ We are very happy that together with Johanna Neuhauser, sociologist of migration, we can take part in Peter Birke's book presentation Glass Borders! Peter Birke monitored the online trade and meat industry in his study from 2017 to mid-2021. In some companies in these 2 industries, such as Amazon or Sanish Crown, almost none [...]

Amnesty International’s petition for fair working conditions in 24-hour care is only open until mid-June! Sign now!


Amnesty International is campaigning to improve the working conditions of 24-hour caregivers with the "24 Hours Essential" campaign. Use the remaining time to support this important campaign! It is the first major campaign ever organised for this disadvantaged professional group in the history of 24h care! Learn more about the background of this campaign in [...]

Interview Kleine Zeitung 20.3.2022: “Cultivating appreciation”


24-hour care makes it possible to live in one's own four walls even in old age. However, caregivers have to deal with various problems, such as old-age poverty. The IG24 association campaigns for the right of 24-hour caregivers. A representative of the association, Simona Durisova, talks about how the current situation can be improved. Download [...]

IG 24 proudly presents: newsletter#1


Dear colleagues, friends and people in solidarity! Now the time has come, our first newsletter is here!  ;) We want to give you an overview of our activities so far, but above all we want to present our plans for the coming year. The first year: nightmarish working conditions... IG24 has been active for two [...]

IG24 contribution in the Gaismair Yearbook 2022 – Decocracy


Das Gaismair-Jahrbuch ist eine Publikation der Michael-Gaismair-Gesellschaft, die sich als kritische Gegenstimme in der Tiroler Öffentlichkeit versteht. Ihr Ziel ist jene Stimmen hörbar zu machen, die in der öffentlichen Debatte verdrängt, ignoriert oder verschwiegen werden und wenig beachtete oder weitgehend tabuisierte Themen aufzugrefen. Das Gaismair-Jahrbuch setzt sich mit kritischen Beiträgen über zeitgeschichtliche, gesellschaftspolitische und (sub)kulturelle [...]

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